Tuesday 17 April 2018


Since it was first discovered in 1981, HIV has already infected more than 50 million people around the world. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), attacking and destroying CD4 T lymphocytes are acting in the defense system of the human body. When the entire T lymphocytes CD4-t cells already infected and the human body's defenses greatly decreased giving rise to a variety of symptoms of the disease so that people get into a State called AIDS (Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).
Definitely don't want anyone contracting the disease HIV/AIDS. The disease is still difficult to be cured, although there are drugs that can inhibit the bad consequences of HIV, but less as expected by the sufferer. The best way still to cope with HIV/AIDS is to disconnect the tangle of transmission of disease, or prevent it.

HIV blood test done to make sure HIV. For positive HIV/Aids, remain excited and don't give up. Because the spirit of the sufferers will be able to maintain the durability of the body due to a bad disease HIV/AIDS. Don't forget to keep using drugs provided by doctors

HIV is primarily transmitted through blood/body fluids among people infected with healthy people. Some factors of risk of contracting HIV among other sexual relationship at risk, injection drug use that carelessly, transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and impaled the syringe that was once used by an infected person by accident.

Signs and symptoms

In the early stages, people with HIV rarely feel the symptoms of what is what. If there is then the symptoms that arise more a regular flu symptoms such as fever, throat pain, enlargement of the lymph nodes and patches of reddish spots on the skin. Other symptoms i.e. soreness of muscles and joints, diarrhea, headache, nausea, vomiting, weight loss and mouth ulcers.

When entering a new stage of chronic sufferers will appear a more typical symptoms and severe thrush-like, whitish patches on the mouth, herpes zoster, severe dandruff, and severe vaginal discharge. Other symptoms such as weakness, fever, night sweats, diarrhea, couldn't eat, tightness, enlargement of the lymph nodes, weight loss and disturbance of psychic.


In addition based on physical examination by observing the symptoms and signs above, patients suspected of suffering from HIV positive laboratory examination conducted as further examination (enzyme immunoassay)/ELISA to detect antibodies virus in serum/blood. Like other examination examination levels of CD4 cells, HIV RNA and others implemented based on needs.


The main goal of treatment is to prevents the development of viruses and prevent the occurrence of immune decline. Currently many developed drugs for that purpose even though it does not eliminate the virus completely. And the main one of this treatment is the process of counselling so that sufferers can accept the situation with Stoic and families understand the conditions faced by patients and provide support for such treatment.


Some things that can be done to prevent HIV transmission, among others:

  • It is recommended to always replace the syringe for their drug addiction drugs.
  • Sexual intercourse is not secure often replace pair. 
  • using condoms for those who like sexual intercourse that is at risk.
  • Obey the Ordinances of self-protection for those working in the field of health. 
  • Carefully with the risk of transmission against the children, by not providing BREAST MILK on her baby.

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