Thursday, 29 March 2018


It is quite common to see children in playgrounds jumping, falling, hanging upside down and doing somersaults. This makes them healthy and energetic, as their blood circulation, co-ordination and balance are constantily moved about and challenged.

As we grow older, we tend to be less active, which is a common contributing factor to poorer blood circulation, reducing energy levels and losing youth. Yoga offers one way to keep turning, bending and investing your body and exercising your heart and all other muscles in your body.

The Investested posture is part of an indispensable yoga practice. They affect the functioning of the body in various ways: The benefits experienced at the physiological, mental and spiritual levels, and these postures revitalize the entire system. They can help ease tiredness, insomnia, headaches, varicose veins, digestive problems and excess tension and anxiety, for example. Some Practitioners have so far to describe this invested attitude, especially one that, as a panacea for all who practice.

The upside-down therapy has been known since 400 BC, by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, he treated some of his patients using this therapy. In the world of Yoga, this pose is called by the name of Sirsasana which is also known as King of Asanas, the king of all yoga postures. So called because the benefits obtained by doing this pose is most complete when compared to other postures / asanas. So what are the benefits to our health by doing this pose? Let's check it out!  

When the body is in the upside position - with the head below - the body and its contents momentarily free of weight and gravity of the earth. Positive effects are felt in almost the entire body. Doing this pose can improve blood circulation throughout the body and affect the improvement of some body functions.  

When a person does this reversed position, the oxygen-rich blood stream is directed from the lower body to the heart, thereby improving heart function, it also makes the task of heart pumping blood to the brain more easily.  

The brain although only weighs 3% of our total weight, but the brain is the largest oxygen consumption when compared to other organs of about 25% of the intake of oxygen for the whole body. If the brain does not get enough capillary blood supply, the brain cells become undeveloped and useless. This position increases oxygen flow to the brain, the effect is to strengthen memory, improve intelligence, improve concentration, dispel headaches, migraines, tension, and panic and can prevent senility in the elderly. And more importantly, this pose can have a relaxing effect and relieve stress, which is the root of all human disease. It is also mentioned that with increased blood circulation to the head through this reversed pose, it can brighten the skin tone, increase the sense of awareness and also improve the hearing and vision function.

This pose is also at the same time increase the blood supply to the face, so it is useful to refresh the skin tissue, preventing wrinkles, and tighten the skin. Food supply is abundant in the skin of the head also affect the hair, inhibit the growth of gray hair, prevent hair loss, and keep hair shiny healthy. With the increase of blood flow to the brain it will stimulate the pituitary gland (often called the master of the endocrine glands) to control all the adrenal, thyroid, ovarian and testicular endocrine glands in which all these glands are responsible for all body metabolism, growth, blood pressure, sexuality, and many other functions that are important for the body. This pose can also help the respiratory function. Because at the time of doing this position, the upper and lower lungs are supplied with oxygen so that in turn can be useful for reducing respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, nose and throat infections. This pose is also good for those who suffer from indigestion and constipation. 

Another benefit of this pose is to improve mood and reduce depression, muscle tension is also reduced 35%, anxiety and difficulty sleeping can be treated with this therapy. This pose can improve sexual function, due to increased supply of fresh blood and rich in reproductive nutrition, so it can improve sexual function, treat impotence and also good for women who want to get pregnant. It also helps the blood cleansing process and is good for women who often experience pain when it comes to months. For athletes often experience muscle pain after exercise, this is because the body produces large quantities of lactic acid and other waste debris, with these pose substances waste substances will be cleaned faster so that the pain in the muscle more quickly disappear . Doing this upside pose can stimulate the lymphatic system of the body to be more active. The lymphatic system cleans toxins from the tissues and plays an important role in the immune system. The body's lymphatic system works to boost the immune system to destroy pathogens and filter out the body's waste materials. This system works to clean dead blood cells, body waste material, cancer cells and toxins / toxins from the body to be discarded. The lymphatic system also works with the body's circulatory system to deliver nutrients, oxygen and hormones from the blood into the cells of the body.

To get the benefits mentioned earlier, do this pose every day between 5-15 minutes. For beginners do as much as they used to. Practice a pose of sirsasana if you do not have the Inversion tables tool. For those who are too heavy to pose sirsasana, it can be replaced with a pose that is often called sarvangasana queen of yoga poses, because the benefits are relatively similar. Although this reverse pose has many benefits for our health, but not everyone can do this pose. The following are NOT recommended conditions for inversion: Women who are menstruating, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, pregnant women, weak back, middle ear infections, glaucoma, excess obesity, spinal cord injuries, problems retinal and hiatal hernia patients.

Immune system
In physiological levers, inverted posture enhances the functioning of the immune system. Many people suffer from poor blood circulation, which results in body tissue not being adequately maintained and revitalized. Investing your posture improves blood circulation throughout the body, helping to enrich less tissue and tone the enfocrine system.
The inverted posture also gives the digestive system a good rest, allowing the abdominal muscles and innards to regain their tone. Thus, by rolling the body, the internal organs that may have become sluggish are activated. Rolling over also provides a decent break, in an anti gravity position, to the heart.

Reduces tension
Reversed posture helps to counteract and reduce body tension. Stressing excess tension in the body can limit blood circulation. In an anti gravity position, the entire body can easily find a state of relaxation.
This posture also helps counteract the gravitational pull in the aging process. By helping keep the spine extended and elastic, they allow spinal fluid and spinal nerves from the spine to continue to flow or communicate freely and therefore easily fatten and energize the whole body well into old age.
Increased blood supply to the facial tissue also helps reduce or even prevent wrinkles on the face.

Meremajakan otak
Peningkatan pasokan darah ke otak dapat meremajakan sel-sel organ dan meningkatkan semua fakultas mental, termasuk memori dan keterampilan motorik. Selain itu, investasikan sikap meningkatkan konsentrasi dan mengembangkan kemauan praktisi, sehingga meningkatkan praktik meditasi.

Kelenjar Pineal dan hipofisis
Pada tingkat halus, menginvestasikan postur pekerjaan terutama di pusat energi crown. Pusat energi ini dikaitkan dengan kelenjar pineal, terletak di kepala. Kelenjar ini disebut sebagai mata ketiga dan dikaitkan dengan negara - negara yang lebih tinggi kesadaran atau axeseness.
Kelenjar shuttary dipelihara dalam diinvestasikan postur-hal ini dikenal sebagai 'kelenjar master' karena mengatur fungsi semua kelenjar dalam tubuh.
Jika kepala berdiri, penerima utama adalah pineal dan kelenjar hipofisis. Di bahu berdiri, pasokan darah dan makanan difokuskan pada kelenjar tiroid di daerah tenggorokan, yang mengatur metabolisme.



Papaya is a plant that grows in many Asean countries. This plant originated in Southern Mexico, but is now widely grown in almost all tropical countries. Papaya produces edible fruits. Papaya is widely sold in markets, including traditional markets, and modern markets. Papaya shoots are often picked for dishes and eaten with chili sauce. Young papaya shoots tasted bitter, while the young papaya fruit if made sweets taste sweet acids. Papaya fruit is a very good fruit to eat when we are sick or healthy. Apart from the source of cheap and easy food, papaya also contains high efficacy. It can be said that papaya contains almost all the nutrients needed for the health of our body. 

Papaya is one of the fruits that are rich in vitamins. The content of vitamin A in this fruit is very abundant. It was also very tasty and fresh. No wonder if many people who like to eat this one fruit. papaya fruit is a fruit that lives in the tropics. It can be said that this papaya fruit is a multifunction fruit considering not only the fruit that can be utilized, but almost all the plants from this fruit can be utilized. Even the sap of papaya fruit is also beneficial. 

Behind the sweet taste possessed by this papaya fruit, it turns out this fruit has a high use and economical value. Fruits, leaves, and stems have or contain white sap that is like milk. The sap of papaya contains a protein-breaking enzyme or commonly referred to as papain. Usually the enzyme is used by pharmaceutical companies to make drugs. Benefits of papaya fruit sap is also very good for beauty. The content contained in it is used as a raw material for making cosmetics. The benefits and efficacy of papaya fruit sap that you must know actually very much, especially for health. Below I list the 10 benefits and benefits of papaya.

10 Benefits and Advantages of Papaya Fruit.

1. Overcoming the broken heel
When summer or drought, problems on heel health are disrupted one of which is cracked on the heel. To prevent the occurrence of cracked, in fact you do not need to buy expensive drugs. You simply use the sap of papaya fruit to prevent the cracking that hit. Papaya fruit sap is rubbed on the heel and then left for 15 minutes and wash thoroughly. For effective results, then you can apply it daily routine.

2. Treat wart diseases
Papilloma or warts is a disease similar to a tumor in the skin. This is due to excessive skin thickening. Usually when it is enlarged, the warts will change its shape like a cauliflower. To remove the warts on the skin, you can apply the sap of this papaya fruit every 3 hours.

3. Treating blistering skin
If the skin is blistered due to exposure to heat, then you can apply the sap of this papaya fruit and let sit overnight. However, if the wound is large enough then you can scratch the head and attach it to the wound on your skin.

4. Treating toothache
Toothache can indeed attack anyone. Hygiene factors become one of the main causes. If the tooth pain or any other pain, then you can use the sap of this papaya fruit to heal it. Take the sap on the young papaya fruit then drops on the sore tooth.

5. Treating burns
The first thing to do when the skin is burning is to cool down. This is true from the first 30 minutes by watering. After that, take the sap of papaya fruit and then apply slowly on the wound so that burns are not getting worse.

6. Eliminate acne
Acne is one of the problems on facial skin that can whack anyone. Appearance will be less than optimal if your skin is acne. Acne that grows will reduce your confidence and of course become uncomfortable. However, by utilizing the sap of papaya fruit, it is certain that acne attached to the face can be resolved easily. How to apply it is also very easy that is by smearing it directly on the face of the acne.

7. Treating scars
Scars on the skin was slowly removed. How to? By utilizing the sap of papaya fruit, the scar on the skin can be lost. Of course this is done with regular smearing of course.

8. Overcoming puffy acne
Papaya fruit sap was not only able to overcome the acne that attached it. However, already swollen acne was found to be deflated and lost if it is smeared with papaya sap latex. You should try.

9. Overcoming injuries to the heel
Problems on the heels turned out to be overcome quickly and easily by utilizing rubber latex. Not only the heels are cracked, but the heel of a wound can also be cured with the sap of this papaya fruit.

10. Overcoming the symptoms of toothache
Problems on the teeth or gums if not resolved quickly will disrupt the activity. Do you know if the symptoms of teeth can be overcome easily by utilizing the sap of papaya fruit?


Sugar is a carbohydrate that is naturally present in various foods such as milk, fruits and honey. Sugar in a certain amount of our body needs as energy to fuel the muscles and keep the brain functioning properly.

Although already know sugar is not good for health, most people do not think sugar dangerous. At least, sugar is considered not as bad as saturated fat, salt, or calories. Maybe this is what causes the difficulty of reducing sugar consumption.

In fact, most people around the world consume 500 extra calories just from the sugar they eat. Behind the sweetness of sugar, it turns out contained a danger that should not be underestimated.

Here are 10 bad effects of sugar that could be the reason you need to immediately reduce sugar consumption.

1. Sugar damages the heart
Although long known as one of the risk factors for heart disease, a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2013 finally found strong evidence about the mechanism of how sugar damages the heart. The study states, a molecule on sugar called glucose 6-phosphate causes a change in heart muscle that leads to heart failure.

2. Sugar forms belly fat
The prevalence of obesity has increased in recent years, both in adults and children. One of the causes is the high consumption of sweet drinks. A study found, excessive consumption of fructose (one type of sugar) causes increased abdominal fat that increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

3. Sugar kills silently
A 2008 study revealed that excessive fructose consumption was associated with an increased risk of leptin resistance conditions. Leptin is a hormone that tells the brain if the stomach is full. If the body has leptin resistance, then the brain will not feel satisfied even though the body is already full. As a result, we can not stop the desire to eat. In the long run this is certainly causing obesity. It happens slowly, so people often unknowingly have experienced it.

4. Sugar feeds cancer cells
Every human is at risk of cancer because it has cancer cells in its body. However, the body has its own mechanism to kill cancer cells so that the cell does not necessarily develop into a deadly cancer. Unfortunately, excessive sugar consumption will damage the mechanism. In addition, a recent study revealed that sugar is a good nutrient for cancer cells to thrive.

5. "Hooked" sugar can be lowered
Sugar is also additive so there may be a term for sugar addiction. Unfortunately, this sugar addiction can be genetically inherited, as it involves changes in the ghrelin hormone. Ghrelin is a hormone that tells the brain when the body is hungry. However, changes in this hormone will result in the body hungry and want to eat continuously.

6. Sugar and alcohol have similar toxic effects
A study in the journal Nature indicates that sugar can be as dangerous as alcohol. 
The study shows, excessive consumption of fructose and glucose provides toxic 
effects on the liver. This effect is also almost the same as that given by alcohol.
7. Sugar lowers the brain's ability
Sugar is known to accelerate the process of cell aging, as well as brain cells. 
So by consuming a lot of sugar, brain cells tend to decrease function faster.
8. Sugar often hides on food "without sugar"
Reduced sugar is not just by reducing sweet foods like candy, cookies, biscuits, 
and so on, because actually there are also foods that are considered sugarless 
but it contains a lot of sugar. For example ketchup, bread, crackers, and others.
9. Sweet drinks may shorten life
A 2013 study estimated that there were 180,000 deaths worldwide due to 
consumption of sugary drinks. The researchers concluded, the death may be 
due to the association of sweet drinks with risks such as diabetes, heart disease, 
and cancer.
10. Sugar makes fat
This fact is most clearly seen from the consumption of excess sugar. 
Consumption of excess sugar will contribute to the calorie intake that should 
be obtained from other foods that contain many nutrients so unwittingly consumed 
calories exceeding the calorie limit per day and make weight increase.

Benefits of "DRAGONFRUIT" For Health

Dragon fruit is the fruit of a kind of cactus. It is grown commercially in Vietnam and Australia, although he is originally from South America. The dragon fruit is ripe weighing approximately 400 grams but there is also an enlarged so that more one kilogram.

The contents of the dragon fruit are white, red, or purple with a sprinkling of black seeds that can be eaten. The texture of the contents is like the contents of the pot, when it also tastes like a kiwi fruit. It is these unique traits that make the dragon fruit very suitable to be used as a concoction in fruit salad.
Type of Dragon Fruit

There are 4 types of dragon fruit in the world, here are the types of dragon fruit:

1. White Dragon Fruit Dragon (hylocereus undatus)
The dragon's red skin is in stark contrast to the white meat inside. Inside the flesh was scattered black seeds. This type of dragon fruit is easily found in local and foreign markets. The average weight per fruit of 400-500 grams, some are up to 650 grams. This type of dragon fruit sweet taste mixed with fresh, has greenish scales or tufts on the outside, and the level of sweetness is quite low compared with other types of dragon fruit. Sweetness level 10-13 brik. This dragon fruit is very suitable to be planted in dry land, and in one planting age can last up to 20 years.

2. Red Dragon Meat Fruit (hylocereus polyrhizus)
Dragon fruit figures of this type more muscular. In the stems and branches of the dragon fruit has a closer antleruri distance. The weight of this type of dragon fruit an average of 400-500 grams. The flesh is red purple. Sweetness level 13-15 brik.

3. Super Red Meat Red Dragon (hylocereus costaricensis)
Dragon dragon fruit of this type is larger and colored when the old loreng. The dragon fruit skin is red and frayed. The size of this dragon fruit an average of 400-500 grams. Sweetness level 13-15 brik.

4. Dragon Fruit Yellow Skin White Meat (Selenicerius megalanthus)
His appearance is typical with yellow skin and without scales or tassels. Skin texture tends to be smooth, like apples, so dubbed apple cactus. Sweetness level 15-18 brik. The size of this dragon fruit is 80-100 grams.

The Benefits of Dragon Fruit

There are several benefits of dragon fruit itself, here are some benefits of dragon fruit:

  • Dragon fruit is a good source of antioxidants, preventing free radicals and protecting from causing cancer and other health detriments from entering your body.
  • Dragon fruit helps neutralize toxic substances such as heavy metals. In addition, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels can be reduced by consuming dragon fruit.
  • Consumption of dragon fruit is because it helps in fighting cough and asthma.
  • Dragon fruit It has a high amount of vitamin C and helps in healing bruises and wounds quickly and boosts the immune system.
  • Vitamin B2 present in the dragon fruit acts like a multivitamin and helps to repair and recover the loss of appetite.
  • Vitamin B1 in dragon fruit helps in increasing energy production and also in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin B3, it helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels. It improves the appearance of your skin by refining and moistening it.
  • Benefits of other dragon fruit is improving eyesight and avoid hypertension.
  • Because it is a good source of phosphorus and calcium, strengthens bones, helps in the formation of healthy tissue and form teeth.
  • Regular consumption of dragon fruit weight decreased, thus creating a balanced body.
  • Dragon fruit is also very helpful in reducing blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Nutrition Nutrition Content

Here is the complete nutritional content of dragon fruit:
Sugar Level            : 13-18 briks
Water                      : 90%
Carbohydrates        : 11.5 g
Acid                        : 0.139 g
Protein                    : 0.53 g
Fiber                       : 0.71 g
Calcium                  : 134.5 mg
Phosphorus             : 8.7 mg
Magnesium             : 60.4 mg
Vitamin C               : 9.4 mg