Thursday 19 April 2018


White radish plants including nutritious medicine which has lots of health benefits, one of which is efficacious as deciduous and pulverizing kidney stones. Its content-rich potassium is useful to control the expenditure of calcium in the urine and reduce the risk of kidney stones are exposed.

The most effective way to utilize white radish as a remedy of kidney stones is to be made into juice. Turnip juice on the side can eliminate kidney stones are also useful for preventing kidney stones are formed again.

White radish according to research proves that radish is one drug that can treat disorders of the kidney problems that occur due to the formation of kidney stones.

Consuming radish on a regular basis can be a natural treatment to relieve Kidney stone disease.

Radish juice made more effective in treating and eliminating kidney stones than if a radish consumed in the form of the other. In addition to eliminating kidney stones, radish juice is also useful in the prevention of the formation of kidney stones again.

Nutrient content is good for kidney stones
For information, these white turnips are very rich in potassium which is useful to reduce the discharge of calcium in the urine which can form kidney stones.

So, consuming foods with high potassium levels like this white radish can lower the risk will be affected by kidney disease. Substances that are a diuretic that was already mentioned above will not only help clean the kidney you but also thorough in the bladder then the next white radish consumption will improve the overall health of your body .

How to make him:
  • juice of one white radish, strain fruit love honey 3 tbsp Drink 3 times a day
  • One white radish tuber Puree an additional 200 ml of white water 3 tbsp honey love, drinking potions at once the dregs.

Maintaining health:
  • Washing 50gram clean white to radish then steamed, Peel in the blender, then add a little lime as flavorings and 3 tbsp honey, drinking one glass after meal once a week.


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