Monday, 16 April 2018


1. Launch the digestion

One of a very high content in beans is fiber. In every 100 grams of red beans, offers approximately 13 grams of soluble fiber and insoluble. Fibre does not dissolve this most widely found in the peel while many soluble fiber contained in peanut meat.

Soluble fiber is not powerful to push food in the intestine so your digestive tract ever more smoothly. Fiber is also able to throw away the remaining toxins in the body as well as maintain the acidity of Your stomach. This can help you avoid digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea. Meanwhile, soluble fiber dissolves along with water and tie it into a more viscous gel-like. This gel will stay in the stomach for longer periods of time. Therefore, your stomach will not be left empty for too long. Your risk of ulcers ever attacked so reduced.

In addition, beans also contain starch, i.e. a kind of complex carbohydrates which is similar to that of soluble fiber. In your colon, the starch will help the development of a range of good bacteria. Very good bacteria needed to fight a variety of digestive problems.

2. Maintain heart health

Red beans are a great source of protein that's low in fat and cholesterol free. You can get about 20 grams of protein per 100 grams of red beans. This figure is sufficient 40% your daily protein needs. By eating beans, you can meet the needs of protein without having to fear cholesterol or saturated fat levels in the body rise. While if you are consuming the meat to meet protein needs, inevitably the levels of fat and cholesterol increased. In addition, soluble fiber is contained in the red bean is also responsible for balancing the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).

Eating beans can also control your blood pressure. Red beans are rich in minerals like folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are capable of suppressing levels of the homosistein in the in the blood. Homosistein is one of the substances trigger coronary heart disease. In addition, red bean benefits for heart health is to lighten the work of the blood vessels as well as waging a blood circulation to the heart.

3. Control your appetite

Because the beans are rich in protein, soluble fiber, and complex carbohydrates, eat red beans can make you full for longer. That way, you will not be easily tempted to look for snacks or other foods. For those of you who are trying to lose weight, the benefits of beans on this one is certainly a pity to miss.

4. Prevent Diabetes

Fiber in beans help keep your glucose is not removed in the blood too rapidly. So too with complex carbohydrates in beans. In contrast to simple carbohydrates can easily soluble, complex carbohydrates will not produce glucose in the blood as quickly as simple carbohydrates. So, in your blood sugar levels will not suddenly uphill so trigger diabetes. Red bean is also efficacious for preventing insulin resistance risk aggravating the person with diabetes blood sugar levels.

5. Prevent Cancer

A study conducted by Harvard Medical School revealed that a high-fiber diet can prevent cancer, especially breast cancer. Other studies in France, published in The Journal of Nutrition show that a diet rich in fiber is able to lower the risk of prostate cancer by up to almost 50%. Meanwhile, in every 100 grams of red beans, you can get a 52% fiber needs in one accord. Regularly consuming red bean will prevent you from the risk of cancer.

6. prevents Premature Aging

Red bean benefits not only to prevent disease, but also to keep the cleaner body. Beans contain high antioxidant, even exceeding the antioxidants in certain vegetables and fruits. Even among other beans such as soybeans or peanuts, red bean turns out to be a champion in preventing premature aging. This is because the darker the colour, the higher the content of antioksidannya. Antioxidants are able to ward off free radicals and prevent damage to the cells of the body. These things are factors trigger premature aging.

hopefully helpful 


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